WODtoberfest 2023

October 30, 2023
WODtoberfest 2023

What a FUN weekend at WildFire CrossFit!  

We held our annual WODtoberfest In-house Partner competition on Saturday with 3 events a floater and all the costumes!

Each year our goal is to put on a fun and challenging event where our WildFire members can push themselves out of their comfort zone, meet new friends and test their fitness.

*Event 1 this year was a Trail Run……The Trail of Terror!

The scaled division ran 1000m with their partner up along the trails by the gym.

Rx and Intermediate started with their partner then split Males to the right and Females to the left to meeting at a center point and then running back to the gym to complete a 2000m run.

The TWIST…..each athlete picked up envelopes along the way with letters in them. Once back at the gym they had to put those letters together to form a word…..the correct word that they turned into the KEYMASTER who gave them a bag with a puzzle to put together if the word was correct.

Athletes then, with heart rates up and sweat dripping from the run had to put together a 24 piece puzzle and then call time. The score was their time after completion of the puzzle.

*Event 2 was the lift complex….Monster Mash (potato) Clean

Complete your heaviest lift of 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 2 Jerks

Together partners had 8 min to get their max lift.

*Event 3….gymnastics The Swinging Gallows

A 10 min AMRAP

Scaled had 5 Scaled Wall Walks, 10 Jumping Pull ups, and 20Crossover Single Unders to complete and they could break these up however they liked.

Intermediate had 5 full Wall Walks, 10 chest to bar pull upsand 20 Crossover Single unders to complete. They could break up the wall walksand the chest to bar pull ups however they liked yet had to complete 20crossover single unders each.

RX had 10 strict handstand push ups, 10 bar muscle ups and20 Crossover single unders. They could split up the gymnastics however they liked and had to do 20 Crossover single unders each.

Fun chaos ensued as people were dodging ropes moving quickly between the wall and the pull up rig to race to get as many rounds as possible in the 10 min.

**Then there was the floater…..Living Nightmare Push/Pull

With your partner and one person pushing and one pulling you needed to travel the distance from the back garage of the gym to the end of the building and back for time……  


Scaled had three 45# plates plus the weight of the sled

Intermediate had five 45# plates plus the weight of thesled.

RX had five 45# plates a 100# sandbag plus the weight of thesled.

This was either your favorite event or your least favorite!


All in all we had so many PR’s on movements like crossovers, chest 2 bar pull ups, wall walks, bar muscle ups, weight on the lift and for many it was their first competition.

While CrossFit is so much more than competition the environment that a competition even an in house “Fun” competition creates gives us the opportunity to feel proud of ourselves and really see what we can do. Even if things don’t go as well as you thought they might (which always happens in competition) you learned from it and get the opportunity to make new goals for your training.

None of this would happen without the amazing WildFire staff and the community of WildFire who participated and volunteered to help judge, set up, clean up, take pictures and cheer!

A huge THANK YOU to the WildFire community!

We can’t wait till next year.

For now, set your sights and make plans to participate inthe CrossFit Games Open that we will be participating in starting at the end ofFebruary and beginning of March. Three Saturdays of almost as much fun, maybemore!

Here are the results from Saturday’s competition.

One quick note on SCORING

Understand that putting an event like this takes a lot of work and most of it is on the back end of putting all the things together and entering scores live at the event.

Like I said, if things don’t go as well as you thought we learn and if mistakes happen, we do our best to correct them.

There was a mistake in scoring the SCALED division. One event score didn’t transfer to the formula that tabulated the final standings, so we have a slightly different podium than the one announced at the event on Saturday. For that we deeply apologize. The good news is more athletes get to be honored as podium spot winners!!!

Team More Dogs Less Burpees Deane & Nicholas took 2ndPLACE overall!!

They both deserve this and deserve your congratulations whenyou see them.  

That means that 3rd place was a 3-way tie for thefollowing teams:

Stasik & Cass
Henry & Kate
Brian & Edwina

So also congratulate Brian & Edwina on making the podium too as they deserved it!!

Congratulations to all our WildFire athletes!!

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