Programming: May 23rd - 27th, 2022

May 22, 2022
Programming: May 23rd - 27th, 2022

CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who participated in the Level 1 Black Band Fitness test on Saturday! For those of you who passed, GREAT JOB!! You are now eligible to participate in the Level 2 Orange Band Test which we will announce next week! For those of you who participated, GREAT JOB! This is a challenging test and you now know what you need to do and can set some goals so the next time we hold the Level 1 Test, you will pass with flying colors! Remember, we're here to help!!

Here are the workouts for the Level 2 Orange Band Test so you can start working towards it:

Part One: Endurance/Gymnastics
1 Mile Run
25 Handstand Push Ups
15 Ring Dips

Part Two:
10 Deadlifts (Men 1.5 x Bodyweight / Women 1 x Bodyweight)
5 Cleans (Men 1 x Bodyweight / Women 3/4 x Bodyweight)
3 Overhead Squats (Men 3/4 x Bodyweight / Women 1/2 x Bodyweight)

Part Three: WOD "Jackie"
For Time
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45/45
30 Pull Ups
Men - 9min Cap / Women 11min Cap

Programming: May 23rd - 27th, 2022


Monday, May 23rd, 2022 (Monday Video)


Warmup: 2 rounds for quality of:

200m Run OR 1min Cardio

10Russian Baby Makers

10 Alt Deep Lunge + Rotations

10x 1Push-up + 2 Active Pigeons

10 PVC Good Mornings

10 Pvc Jumping Back Squats

Strength: Back Squat

(3 sec pause at bottom)



DB/Light:5-7 Back/Front Squat

(3 sec pause at bottom)

Every 2½ min x 8-10 Rounds


Bodyweight:10-12 Air Squats

(3 sec pause at bottom)

Every 2½ min x 8-10 Rounds


WOD:21-15-9 reps, for time of:

Back Squat 135/95 lbs

Lateral Burpee (Over Barbell)


DB/Light: For Time:


Back/Front Squat 135/95 lbs


Lateral Burpee (Over Barbell)


Bodyweight: For Time:


Air Squats


Lateral Burpee (Over Barbell)


Tuesday, May 24th, 2022 (Tuesday Video)


Warmup: 3 Rounds

x 30secWORK | 15 sec REST


Down/Up Dog Stretch

Lemon Squeezer

Shoulder Press 45/35 lbs


Strength: Every 1min x 8min Alternating Between:

1 Push Press pick load

40secPlank Hold


DB/Light: Every 1min x 8min Alternating Between:

3-5 Push Press pick load

40secPlank Hold


Bodyweight: Every 1min x 8min Alternating Between:

3-5 Pike Push Ups

40secPlank Hold


Partner WOD: For time:

100 Push Press 115/75 lbs


200 Row Calories


Individual/BW/No Bar: For Time:

50 Pike Push Ups

50 V-Ups

100 Cal Row OR 1mile Run OR 8min Cardio


Wednesday, May 25th, 2022 (Wednesday Video)


Warmup: For quality:

300m Run OR 90sec Cardio

10 Side Lunge + Squat + Calf Raise

10 Leg Swoops

10 Mule Kicks

10 1-LegGlute Bridges

5Scorpion Stretch Each Side

5x 1Barbell Good Morning + 2 Back Rack Reverse Lunge 45/35 lbs


Strength:25min to Find:

5 Rep Max Deadlift


DB/Light:25min to Find

30secMax Rep Deadlift


Bodyweight: Every 90sec x 16 Rounds

30secMax 1-Leg Glute Bridges


WOD:800m Run For Time

OR 8minCardio


Thursday, May 26th, 2022 (Thursday Video)


Warmup: For quality:

3minFoam Roll

1minWrist Mobility

2 Couch Stretches 30sec Each

6 90/90Hip Mobilities

10 Box Step-ups

10 Plate Ground-to-OH 25/15 lbs

10 Plate Around-the-Worlds


Strength:2 Each arm

Kettlebell Clean 4-4-4-4


Bodyweight:2 Each Arm

Archer Push Ups 5-5-5-5


WOD:5 Rounds, Each For Time:

6 Box Jump Overs 24/20 in

8 DB KB Hang Power Clean 53/35

10 KB Goblet Lunge 53/35 lbs

100m KB Farmers Walk 53/35 lbs


Rest 2mins between each round


BW:5 Rounds, Each For Time:

6 Broad Jumps

8 Archer Push Ups

20 Lunge53/35 lbs

300m Run OR 90sec Cardio


Rest 2mins between each round


Friday, May 27th, 2022 (Friday Video)


Warmup: 2 rounds for quality of:

1minJump Rope

10 Calf Stretches

10 Pike Push-ups


5Shoulder Press 45/35 lbs

5 Push Jerks 45/35 lbs

10 Pvc Front Rack Stretches


Strength:6 Rounds for Max Reps:

30secPush Jerks pick load

2minRest After Each


Bodyweight:6 Rounds for Max Reps:

30secPlyo Push Ups

2minRest After Each


WOD: For time:

150Double Unders

6 Wall Walks

100Double Unders

4 Wall Walks

50Double Unders

2 Wall Walks



Double Unders

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