Programming: April 4th - 8th, 2022

April 5, 2022
Programming: April 4th - 8th, 2022

Programming: April 4th – 8th, 2022


Monday, April 4th, 2022 (YouTube Video)


Warmup: 2 rounds for quality of:

100mPartner Run

Handstand Hold

100mPartner Run

Bar Hang

200mPartner Run

Down Dog To Up Dog Stretch

200mPartner Run

Banded Lat Pull Down


WOD:20 min AMRAP of:

400m Run OR 2min Cardio

15Handstand Push-ups

5 Bar Muscle-ups


ScalingOptions: 20min AMRAP of

400 Run| 500 Row | 2min Cardio

15Inverted Box OR Pike Push Ups

5 Pull Ups OR Bench Dips


Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 (YouTube Videos)


Warmup: Bring Sally Up

Air Squat OR Back Squat 45/35

Then: 3rounds for quality of:

10 Front Leg Swings

10 Side Leg Swings

10 Leg Swoops

10 Back Squat W/ Elbows In Front Rack Position 45/35 lbs


Strength: Back Squat



DB/Light: Back OR Front Squat

3-5 Reps Every 2min (or so)

x 7-9Rounds


Bodyweight: Air Squats

8-10Reps Every 2min

x 10Rounds

WOD: For time:

30 Back Squat 225/155 lbs



Modifications: For Time

50 DB Front Squats OR 80 Air Squats

1000 Row| 800 Run | 4min Cardio


Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 (YouTube Videos)


Warm up: 6 min AMRAP of:

30secJump Rope

10 Couch Stretches

10 M.B. Squat Clean w/ Thruster 20/14

10 Plate Calf Raises

10Active Pigeons


Strength:3 Rounds

40secWORK | 20sec REST

Plank Hold

AbMat Sit-up

Mountain Climber

Hollow Hold


WOD:5min AMRAP x 3 Cycles


7 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs

35Double Unders


2minRest Between Cycles

Restart AMRAP After Each Cycle


Modifications:5min x 3 Cycles

5 V-Ups

7 DB Thrusters OR 9 Jump Squats

35 DU Attempts OR 55 Singles


2minRest Between Cycles

Restart AMRAP After Each Cycle


Thursday, April 7th, 2022 (YouTube Videos)


Warmup: For quality:

200m Run OR 1min Cardio

10Russian Baby Makers

10 Pvc Front Rack Stretches

1Burgener Power Clean Warm (PVC)

Strength: Power Clean  

DB/Light: Power Clean
7-9 Reps Every 2 ½ min x 8-9 Rounds

Bodyweight:7 Burpees

Every2min x 9-10 Rounds

WOD: DT - 5 Rounds For Time of

12 Deadlifts155/105 lbs
9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 lbs

6 Push Jerks 155/105 lbs

Scaled:115/75 OR Use Dumbbells

Bodyweight:5 Rounds For Time

16 1-LegGlute Bridges

12 NoPush Up Burpees

9 PushUps

Friday, April 8th, 2022 (YouTube Videos)


Warmup: 3 Rounds For Quality:

10 Slow Push-ups

20secRing Support Hold

10 PVC Shoulder Pass Throughs

10Dumbbell Deadlifts pick load

5Scorpion Stretch Each Sides


Strength: DB Bench Press



Bodyweight: Push Ups



WOD:15 min AMRAP of:

2 Ring Dips

2 Alt Dumbbell Snatch 50/35 lbs


Add 2Reps Each Round Until Time

(4, 6,8, 10….24, 26, 28)


Bodyweight:15min AMRAP

2 Bench Dips w/ Pause in Bottom

2 Alt. Jumping Lunges


Add 2Reps Each Round Until Time

(4, 6,8, 10….24, 26, 28)


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