Programming: April 25th - 29th, 2022

April 24, 2022
Programming: April 25th - 29th, 2022

Programming: April 25t – 2

Monday, April 25th, 2022

Warm up:
8 min AMRAP of:

20 High Knees

10 PVCOH Lunge

10Push-up to Down Dogs

10Jumping Squats

10 Push Press 45/35 lbs

30secHandstand Hold

Strength: Back Squat

Warm Up: 5-5-5 Working: 5-5-5-5-5


DB/Light: Back/Front Squat

7-9 Reps Every 2-3min

x 8-10Rounds


Bodyweight: Air Squats w/ 3sec Pause

10-12Reps Every 2min (or so)

x 10Rounds

WOD: 21-15-9 Reps For Time of:

Thruster95/65 lbs

Handstand Push-up


Bodyweight:  For Time


Jumping Squats


Handstand OR Pike Push Ups

Tuesday, April 26th, 2022

Warm up: 4 Rounds

20secWORK | 10sec REST

Band Resisted Run

Side Plank Rotation

Calf Stretch

Box Step-up 24/20 in

Skill: 8-10 Min

Rope Climb Skill Work


No Rope: 1min Each x 2 Rounds

Plank Hold

Flutter Kicks


Hollow Hold

Slow Push Ups

WOD: 20 min AMRAP of:

400m Run OR 2min Cardio

16Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 lbs

16 1-ArmDB Overhead Lunge 53/35

2 Rope Climbs


Bodyweight:  20min AMRAP of:

400m Run OR 2min Cardio



8 Push Ups


Wednesday, April 27th, 2022

Warm up: For Quality:

3 rounds of:

20 Butt Kickers

10 Side Lunges


10 KB Sumo DL High-pull 35/26 lbs

10 PVC Good Mornings

--then: 2min Foam Roll

Strength: Sumo Deadlift

Warm Up: 8-8-8 Working: 8-8-8-8-8


DB/Light: Sumo Deadlift

10-12Reps Every 2-3min

x 8-10Rounds


Bodyweight: Sumo Squat Jumps

15 Reps Every 2min (or so)

x 10 Rounds          


WOD: For time:

50 Echo Bike Calories


No Bike:  For Time

600m Run OR 3min Cardio

Thursday, April 28th, 2022

Warm up:
3 Rounds of Each

30secWORK | 15sec REST

Box Step Ups

Alt V-Ups

PVC Pass Throughs

PVC Snatch Balance

PVC Power Snatch


--then: 2min Each

Foam Roll

Thoracic Spine Work

Couch Stretch (1min Each)

Pigeon Stretch (1 min Each)

WOD: 20 min AMRAP of:

5 Power Snatches 115/75 lbs


9 Box Jumps 24/20


DB/Bodyweight:20min AMRAP

5 Power Snatch Each Arm OR 5 Burpees

7 Toes To Bar OR 7 V-Ups

9 Broad Jumps OR 10 Lunges

Friday, April 29th, 2022

Warm up:
2 Rounds For Quality

1minJump Rope

10 Push Up to Down Dog

10Straight Leg Sit Ups

10 No Push Up Burpees

Strength: Bench Press

Warm Up:3-3-3 Working: 3-3-3-3-3


DB/Light: Bench Press

5-7 Reps x 9-10 Rounds


Bodyweight:10-12 Push Ups

Every2min x 10 Rounds

WOD:8:30 AMRAP of:

2minDouble Under

Rest 30secs

2minAbMat Sit-up

Rest 30secs


Rest 30secs


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