Holiday Party, Anniversary Celebration, & White Elephant Gift Exchange Rules!

January 7, 2022
Holiday Party, Anniversary Celebration, & White Elephant Gift Exchange Rules!

This Saturday, December 11th at 6:30pm is a combined mix of our Holiday & Anniversary Party Celebrations at WildFire CrossFit! We are going to have food & drinks, an awards ceremony, white elephant gift exchange, the UFC Fight, and possibly even Dance, Dance Revolution courtesy of Coach Damian (don’t worry, you don’t have to dance if you don’t want to).

The point is, we are going to have a LOT of FUN! Get a chance to meet, hang out, and talk more than just workouts with the people you sweat with daily. We are going to be celebrating 9 years of Fitness, Family, and FUN with the coaches and members who have made this incredible journey possible and look forward to many, many, many more years as an amazing community.

You are welcome to invite Friends & Family for all the FUN! As for kids, just cuz we've been asked, while we aren't going to tell you not to bring them, this is not the type of party where they are going to be able to swing on the rings, run around the gym, use equipment, etc. etc. etc. So, while we love your kids, and for pretty much everythign else they are welcome at WildFire, this might be a great time to get a sitter, and have some fun out for a night!

One of the things I’ve been asked about this week is the White Elephant Gift Exchange, so, in case you’ve never participated in one before, here’s how it works, the rules, and everything you need to know if you would like to participate.

  1. Each participant brings one wrapped (or bagged) gift to contribute to the pool.

 A. You can bring anything you would like. It can be funny, meaningful, something you would like, fitness oriented, or just plain FUN! Over the last 9 years, we’ve seen it all! From the purse, “Sadie” that’s been passed around for a few years, to the year 3 or 4 people brought the same fanny packs that looked like a hairy belly, bottles of alcohol, coffee mugs, t-shirts, re-gifts, someone even brought a sweet potato one year (which I would not recommend, that gift sucked).

B. If you have no idea what to bring, wrap a bottle (hopefully full) of your favorite wine or spirit, a funny coffee mug with some of your favorite coffee, OR go to Spencer Gifts in Desert Ridge and find something funny (and hopefully close to family friendly). While there is no limit to how much (and technically how little) you spend, and you can be as generous as you would like, something around $20 or so is what we are looking for.

2. Once all the gifts are under the tree, each person who brought one will draw a number to determine the order in which you will pick your gift.

3. The first player will choose a gift and each player must show what the gift is so everyone can see exactly what it is.

4. When it’s your turn, you can either choose an unwrapped gift from under the tree, OR, you may steal someone else’s gift as long as there are steals left on that particular gift.

A. How the steals work – Each gift can only be stolen 2 times – the gift is with it’s final owner on the 3rd possession (1st is the person who selects the unwrapped gift, 2nd is the person who steals it, and 3rd is the person who steals it again).

B. A gift can only be stolen once per turn. In other words, If my gift is stolen, I have to either select an unwrapped gift, OR steal a different gift that was stolen from me.

C. If my gift is stolen, I can either choose an unwrapped gift, OR steal a different gift than was stolen from me.

D. We will have colored numbers to place on the stolen gifts to ensure we limit the steals….as CrossFitters, we know how competitive you guys are!

5. At the very end, the 1st person to draw will have the opportunity to either keep their gift, in which case the game ends, OR, they will end the game by swapping their gift with someone else.

The bottom line, we are going to have a lot of FUN Saturday night, and you are not going to want to miss it! We know this is the time of year when you have a lot of parties, vacations, and things to do, however, if you are able to make it, I promise, this is a celebration you are not going to want to miss!!

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